Sports play a vital role in maintaining physical and mental health at its ease.This especially helps students running behind their Dreams to stay cool and fit.
We made our Vishwalayans to feel the pleasure of such a wonderful Art by conducting ” Sports Day ”
Besides Health it taught our Vishwalayans
i. To Win Honourably
ii. To Loose Gracefully
iii. To Respect Authority
iv. To Work in a Team &
more importantly
v. To Manage Time.
Events were organised in such a way that children develop in them the Qualities of
i. Aiming at the Highest
ii. Concentrating on their Goals
iii. Performing as they have never lost.
The day was Amazing.On the whole Children experienced the feeling of WWWOOO…WWW!!! and enjoyed to the core.
We Thank our Management who availed us with such a wonderful opportunity and the Teachers who made the opportunity an Amazing One.
We wish all our Vishwalayans to Sport to their Best in their Life.