INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION- A long drawn struggle comes to an end after 300 long years, on the 15th of August ,1947 marking India’s Independence from the British Raj. 71 years since, lot has happened and many more is yet to. For those many to happen, induction of patriotism at a tender age is very necessary. Which is why, we at SVVM have taken great pride & responsibility in bringing about patriotism in the minds of the future torch-bearers of our beloved mother-India.
The 71st Independence day, at SVVM was celebrated with all the pomp & patriotism that it needs . The flag, a symbol of honour & pride was hoisted by the hon’ble Correspondent and was sung of by our students. Students marched to pay respect to the flag. Various speeches were delivered by KG students, K.S.Gayathiri(XI), M.S.Srivarshini(XI) &G. Elakya(VIII) . Patriotic songs were sung that evoked in every soul, a sense of true patriotism.
Celebrating the Indian Independence is also a way to paying our most respectful homage to every single Indian that worked to achieve it. So, on this auspicious occasion, we shall take pride in not just thanking our ancestors but also in keeping the torch of Independence and excellence in our hearts as long as it shall beat! Jai Hind!